Caroling, caroling von W. Hutson & A. Burt 1954
Caroling, caroling, now we go Christmas bells are ringing Caroling, caroling thru the snow Christmas bells are ringing Joyous voices sweet and clear Sing the sad of heart to cheer Ding dong, ding dong Christmas bells are ringing. Caroling, caroling thru the town Christmas bells are ringing Caroling, caroling up and down Christmas bells are ringin Mark ye well the song we sing Gladsome tidings now we bring Ding dong, ding dong Christmas bells are ringing! Caroling, caroling, near and far Christmas bells are ringing Following, following yonder star Christmas bells are ringing Sing we all this happy orn "Lo, the King of heav'n is born!" Ding dong, ding dong Christmas bells are ringing.
Caroling, Caroling von Wilha Hutson und Alfred Burt, 1954
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